There are so many issues to get behind in our current political climate. How do we stay focused, keep from “burning out” as overwhelming news stories pour into our Facebook feeds…and really make a difference in our own communities? Events posted here are focused around local, organized opportunities that support our mission in the 11th District. You’ll be in good company with other Indivisible members, making a difference and working with other resisters.

Latest Past Events

It’s Time

Pastel 447 Forest Ave. , Suite 1, Plymouth

Ready to move beyond sitting in rooms and getting talked at? Ready to take your training and put it into action? Ready to just GO? Then join us for our next steps. We'll be preparing to canvas, register voters, prep for postcard parties, and get better at our social media. Can't wait to see you ...


Training :: New (and Old) Media

Pastel 447 Forest Ave. , Suite 1, Plymouth

Are you intrigued by how Russia helped sway opinion in major elections around the world, including right here at home? Do you want to be a more effective communicator on social media? Ready to go beyond Facebook and Twitter to engage more people? Then join us on May 19th for an in-depth (and fun!) training.

Training :: Precinct Delegates

Livonia Democratic Club 33150 Schoolcraft Rd., Suite 104, Livonia

Are you thinking of becoming a precinct delegate? Or are you already a precinct delegate but you could use some training in techniques to use in your precinct? Join the West Oakland and Western Wayne Democratic Clubs as they train us in new and innovative methods that will help us be successful precinct delegates. Seating ...
