Managing Political Burnout

Managing Political Burnout:  Gentle Reminders

Bernadette Beach, RN, MSN

The past two years have been extremely challenging for a majority of Americans.  Those engaged in political activism and believe democratic fabric of this country is being impacted by the current political environment it is more challenging.  The 24/7 news cycle, the polarization, and the violence Americans have seen emerge puts the body, mind and spirit on “high alert”.  The intensity of the cultural climate no longer permits people to stay neutral.  The number of people who describe themselves as stressed out, has dramatically increased.  Burnout is REAL.  Burnout is a state of chronic stress and leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism and detachment, feelings of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment.  If you are experiencing signs of burnout, below are some practical ways to begin to feel better.

  1. Self Care: First and foremost now more than ever you really need to be vigilant about your self care practices.  Planning ahead for this at the beginning of your week to carve out time in your schedule for the things that help you recharge your batteries. Whatever you do for self care (yoga, exercise, hiking, meditation, concerts, etc.) I highly recommend mixing it up so you aren’t doing the same thing every day. Plan to get some exercise a few days a week, schedule a night out with friends, go to the movies, garden, etc.  Recharging your batteries must be a priority.
  2. Structure your time following the news: Rather than wasting hours upon hours watching the news or scrolling through social media, give yourself a modest chunk of time everyday to get caught up on the media sources you follow and not a minute longer
  3. Quality sleep is crucial: Studies show how crucial it is to get quality sleep for every aspect of your well being.  Make sure you have a good routine at bedtime.  Read a book you’ve been meaning to get into, do some yoga, meditate, take a hot bath,etc. No news.
  4. Talk to other like minded people outside of your activist activities about your stress.   This will give you a space to have intimate conversations with others outside of your current circle who are feeling the same way as you are.
  5. Let go of outcomes:  I know this sounds crazy, but being “attached” to a specific outcome is devastating if that outcome does not materialize.  The work you are doing is HARD, and it takes time.  Recognize there will be ups and downs in the process, and holding on to your specific outcomes leads to disappointment and stress.